Wednesday, November 17, 2004

my first post of this blog

welcome to child without an eye

this is my first ever blog and it is ,as yet, completely

without structure purpose or meaning.

but its MINE, all mine and that's quite a nice feeling.

I have joined the masses, the millions, the enscribers of the

human word upon the flickering web of alien code built

by those coffee drinking pizza munchers.

the title Child Without An Eye is taken from the song Buckingham Green

written by a great band called Ween

I also have a fledgeling winamp tv/radio station named

child without an eye which has broadcasted live epiphanies of

eclectic music, instant visual creation, dark comedy and apocalyptic poetry

to a maximum of audience of one!

anyway, enough about that...

I hereby declare this blog open


Anonymous said...

welcome to the blog world.. i just joined myself...

Anonymous said...

That`s a very dark aphex like face you`ve got there mate!

Love what you`ve done Dweller. Truthdiamond.

Anonymous said...

nearly five months in and the blog is still going slowly but surely,
this is a pretty neat way of publishing my crap!!