Sunday, November 21, 2004

the house party

I spoke to a Spanish guy from the Basque Country.

He had been in London since June and was really

enjoying being here. His only gripe was that

our seafood was too expensive and not as fresh as

back home. In Spain I have come across many

people who eat much more fish than they do meat.

Another couple of people I spoke to

were two delightful sisters from Turkey.

Aged 18 and 21 and with a gentle open demeanor.

They've spent the last ten years in Denmark.

They are fluent in Danish and Turkish and were here for

four months to improve their English.

I discovered they like pop and r'n'b.

Their favourite part of London is

the new pedestrian bridge which joins the Tate Modern museum

on the south bank to St Paul's cathedral on the north.

After a sunday roast lunch today, with wine,

plus the previous two nights of boozing

I was feeling all cosy on the train home

wrapped up in a delicious sleepy bubble.

Listening to Juana Molina on the walkman

complemented my state of mind and body.

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