Bond girls often come to a sticky end but Olga Kurylenko will be hoping that the Communists never get hold of her.
Kurylenko, the Ukrainian actress who plays Bond's sidekick in Quantum of Solace, has been condemned by the Communist Party of St Petersburg for aiding "the killer of hundreds of Soviet people and their allies". Apparently oblivious to Bond's fictional nature, it accused her of assisting "a man who worked for decades under the orders of Thatcher and Reagan to destroy the USSR".
In an appeal to the actress on its website, the party said: "The Soviet Union educated you, cared for you and brought you up for free but no one suspected that you would commit this act of intellectual and moral betrayal."
It is not the first time the Communists of St Petersburg - or Leningrad, as they would rather it be called - have taken aim at perfidious Western films. Earlier this year they claimed that the film Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, set in the Cold War in 1957, was a vehicle for crude anti-Soviet propaganda and lambasted the antics of Harrison Ford and his ruthless Russian nemesis Cate Blanchett, calling them capitalist puppets.
The party declared that Ford had "no future in Russia any more" - a message that apparently failed to reach the country's cinemagoers, who flocked to see the film at a record 808 screens.
The Communists are, however, willing to rehabilitate Kurylenko - if she delivers her co-star, Daniel Craig, into the clutches of Russia's secret services for interrogation. "Let him tell what other plans are being written in the Pentagon and Hollywood to discredit Russia and drive a wedge between the Russian and Ukrainian peoples," it said.
Sergei Malinkovich, the leader of the city party, told The Times: "Everyone knows that the CIA and MI6 finance James Bond films as a special operation of psychological warfare against us. This Ukrainian girl sleeps with Bond and that means that Ukraine is sleeping with the West."
Friday, October 31, 2008
giant lego man on Brighton beach

Mystery surrounds the appearance of a giant Lego man on a beach in Brighton.
The 6ft-tall (1.8m) red, green and yellow figure has the slogan "No Real Than You Are" painted on the front and some words written in Dutch.
Brighton resident Peter McNiven said he had spotted the figure in the water while walking to work this week.
It is not known if the figure washed ashore or was carried to the seafront. A Lego man with the same slogan appeared on a Dutch beach last year.
Mr McNiven, 32, who works for a digital marketing company, said: "I just happened to stumble across him on Wednesday morning.
"I took a couple of pictures because it's not something you see every day.
"There's a lot of talk about him coming over from Holland to here, but there's no tide marks on him."
A spokesman for Brighton and Hove City Council said it did not know how or why the Lego man had appeared on the beach.
The Dutch Lego man was pulled out of the sea last year
He added the figure had now been taken away.
In August 2007 a giant Lego toy, bearing a close resemblance to the Brighton figure, mysteriously appeared on Zandvoort beach in Holland.
And Like the Brighton Lego man, there was no official explanation about where the giant plastic toy had appeared from.
The blue and yellow figure was pulled out of the sea and bore the same slogan "No Real Than You Are".
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
granddaughter shagging
now cameron and brown are wading in on the side of righteousness
in the Ross Brand insult andrew sachs debacle.
I think they must reckon that those people who are most upset
by the shenanigans are the demographic that are swinging between voting Labour and Tory.
No other reason for these two to start commenting.
Its absurd.
Anyway for all we know Brand did shag Sach's granddaughter.
She looks pretty shaggable...
in the Ross Brand insult andrew sachs debacle.
I think they must reckon that those people who are most upset
by the shenanigans are the demographic that are swinging between voting Labour and Tory.
No other reason for these two to start commenting.
Its absurd.
Anyway for all we know Brand did shag Sach's granddaughter.
She looks pretty shaggable...

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
why we are callous brutes
Psychologically, we can't help but selectively construct our own mental world:
Try to imagine how many events of emotional significance occur in the world in the course of 24 hours:
Countless causes for joy - at 3:05PM a healthy baby was born in Alaska
Countless causes for optimism - at 11:45AM a divorcing couple amicably finalised custody arrangements in Bulgaria
Countless causes for anxiety - at 8:32AM a coughing poultry worker boarded a plane for the UK
Countless causes for anger - at 2:22PM a factory worker in China was unfairly dismissed
Now think of the other 6 billion people in the world. Something joyful, or reassurring, or ominous, or unjust... (etc) has probably happened to each one of us today.
How could a single organism react with genuine emotion to all of these events?
Right or wrong, it is unavoidable that we have to choose which events we invest emotional significance in.
Try to imagine how many events of emotional significance occur in the world in the course of 24 hours:
Countless causes for joy - at 3:05PM a healthy baby was born in Alaska
Countless causes for optimism - at 11:45AM a divorcing couple amicably finalised custody arrangements in Bulgaria
Countless causes for anxiety - at 8:32AM a coughing poultry worker boarded a plane for the UK
Countless causes for anger - at 2:22PM a factory worker in China was unfairly dismissed
Now think of the other 6 billion people in the world. Something joyful, or reassurring, or ominous, or unjust... (etc) has probably happened to each one of us today.
How could a single organism react with genuine emotion to all of these events?
Right or wrong, it is unavoidable that we have to choose which events we invest emotional significance in.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Young Creatives
'young creative' is clearly a term used by people who work in advertising, PR and marketing to try and kid themselves their doing something valid, vital, exciting, original, daring and 'outside the box'.
When what they are actually doing is spending their days slapping lube on the scabby cock of capitalism so as to make it easier for the man to fuck us all up the arse.
kaka tim
When what they are actually doing is spending their days slapping lube on the scabby cock of capitalism so as to make it easier for the man to fuck us all up the arse.
kaka tim
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Stark Choice Now Facing America - The Market Ticker
The essence of this article could also apply to the
United Kingdom
The Stark Choice Now Facing America - The Market Ticker
The truth is that our nation, and indeed the world, has too much debt for its ability to earn income and has had since 1968. As this became apparent to the people at The Federal Reserve and Treasury, in the 1980s starting with Alan Greenspan, interest rates were artificially kept low for a long period of time to encourage you and others to go into that debt - debt you and these firms cannot possibly repay.
This is why we had the crash in 1987, why LTCM blew up in the 1990s, why we had an Internet Bubble and now why we had a Housing Bubble.
All of these bubbles were intentionally created by The Fed, Treasury and Wall Street Banks to keep the charade alive that you could take on more and more debt and they could make more and more money.
We are now out of bubbles and ability to support bubbles, and America (and the world, in fact) is out of the ability to support more debt.
United Kingdom
The Stark Choice Now Facing America - The Market Ticker
The truth is that our nation, and indeed the world, has too much debt for its ability to earn income and has had since 1968. As this became apparent to the people at The Federal Reserve and Treasury, in the 1980s starting with Alan Greenspan, interest rates were artificially kept low for a long period of time to encourage you and others to go into that debt - debt you and these firms cannot possibly repay.
This is why we had the crash in 1987, why LTCM blew up in the 1990s, why we had an Internet Bubble and now why we had a Housing Bubble.
All of these bubbles were intentionally created by The Fed, Treasury and Wall Street Banks to keep the charade alive that you could take on more and more debt and they could make more and more money.
We are now out of bubbles and ability to support bubbles, and America (and the world, in fact) is out of the ability to support more debt.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I think it could get really nasty -- 'mob' nasty.
This is a post from the House Price Crash forum.
I've been reading this website quite regularly for the past six months.
Its a very interesting place to read about the current financial shenanigans.
There are also outlandish posts like this which are food for thought...
Post by Dissident Junk 13/10/08
Something is not right, there's a presence somewhere, something waiting to be born.
I know I sound utterly nuts (I don't often speak about these things because I know I sound nuts), but I tend to be able to read how things will pan out politically and culturally, what is inevitable and what isn't. I have wondered whether it is a "Blink" thing -- you know that book by Gladwell? -- because I have spent the last ten years of my life utterly submerged in political, cultural and social analysis in both my work and social spheres, so maybe my feelings are a form of subconscious process of analysis that then make me feel something 'instinctually'.
But, nevertheless, I told people in 2000 we would see race riots in the North -- they laughed at me -- and we did. I said we would see a terrorist attack on British soil -- they laughed again -- and we did. I became convinced that the implications of house price rises meant something rotten at the heart of our systems, and that they had to crash and it would be horrific -- everyone laughed at that -- so I found HPC and realised I wasn't alone, and now we see it all panning out.
And at the moment, I just feel this 'presence of an absence', something really strange, bizarre and -- you use this word yourself -- surreal that is about to come to pass. I can't explain what it is or what it will look like. This feels like the calm before a very weird and insane form of storm.
I guess, putting my rational hat on, that there has been too much social, cultural and financial change in the UK in too short a time. There has been a loss of a sense that anything is stable, or works to understood parameters and theories. When things seem so subject to change like this, then people do not know how to 'predict' their best course for the future, they find it hard to make informed decisions, everything becomes uncertain, and with uncertainty comes unease, a sense of vulnerability, a sense of anxiety and then panic. And with panic comes the loss of morality, the loss of civilised behaviour.
I would say that the size of the ultimate reaction relies on two factors: one) to what extent people have repressed their reactive impulse over how long, and two) how much pressure has been placed upon them.
And it is this that bothers me. The last eight years have seen a political environment where dissent or challenges to the existing ideological position have been stifled, quashed or just ignored; modes of reaction to events from both the government and media has felt very muted in proportion to the significance of those events (you can see this in the official responses from situations as disparate as the raft of teenage stabbings, for example, or the response to the Bridgend suicides to the terrorist attack on 7/7 and the blatantly preposterous nature of the housing and credit boom. Even the response to the J-18 or the May day riots, which, when you think about it, were astonishing really as public displays of youth disaffection, seem now to have been dangerously non-existent).
These official responses have served to mute public reaction, but they do not dissolve it. Instead, it is stifled but continues to grow in its smothered state as new events add to the keg of discontent. And more and more things just keep adding to the keg: high migratory patterns (both immigration and emigration: the impact of emigration upon those left behind is never discussed but also has quite significant social and psychological consequences), taxation, financial instability, even things are small as a lap-dancing club opening in a small market town can really unsettle people.
And we seem to have seen a lot of this type of change, and reactions to it have been stifled.
It bothers me. And I know that the way things are going simply cannot continue. Too much change, and too much pressure. I think the keg is going to blow soon. I suspect the outcome will be some form of ideological paradigm shift, but I think it could get really nasty -- 'mob' nasty.
I've been reading this website quite regularly for the past six months.
Its a very interesting place to read about the current financial shenanigans.
There are also outlandish posts like this which are food for thought...
Post by Dissident Junk 13/10/08
Something is not right, there's a presence somewhere, something waiting to be born.
I know I sound utterly nuts (I don't often speak about these things because I know I sound nuts), but I tend to be able to read how things will pan out politically and culturally, what is inevitable and what isn't. I have wondered whether it is a "Blink" thing -- you know that book by Gladwell? -- because I have spent the last ten years of my life utterly submerged in political, cultural and social analysis in both my work and social spheres, so maybe my feelings are a form of subconscious process of analysis that then make me feel something 'instinctually'.
But, nevertheless, I told people in 2000 we would see race riots in the North -- they laughed at me -- and we did. I said we would see a terrorist attack on British soil -- they laughed again -- and we did. I became convinced that the implications of house price rises meant something rotten at the heart of our systems, and that they had to crash and it would be horrific -- everyone laughed at that -- so I found HPC and realised I wasn't alone, and now we see it all panning out.
And at the moment, I just feel this 'presence of an absence', something really strange, bizarre and -- you use this word yourself -- surreal that is about to come to pass. I can't explain what it is or what it will look like. This feels like the calm before a very weird and insane form of storm.
I guess, putting my rational hat on, that there has been too much social, cultural and financial change in the UK in too short a time. There has been a loss of a sense that anything is stable, or works to understood parameters and theories. When things seem so subject to change like this, then people do not know how to 'predict' their best course for the future, they find it hard to make informed decisions, everything becomes uncertain, and with uncertainty comes unease, a sense of vulnerability, a sense of anxiety and then panic. And with panic comes the loss of morality, the loss of civilised behaviour.
I would say that the size of the ultimate reaction relies on two factors: one) to what extent people have repressed their reactive impulse over how long, and two) how much pressure has been placed upon them.
And it is this that bothers me. The last eight years have seen a political environment where dissent or challenges to the existing ideological position have been stifled, quashed or just ignored; modes of reaction to events from both the government and media has felt very muted in proportion to the significance of those events (you can see this in the official responses from situations as disparate as the raft of teenage stabbings, for example, or the response to the Bridgend suicides to the terrorist attack on 7/7 and the blatantly preposterous nature of the housing and credit boom. Even the response to the J-18 or the May day riots, which, when you think about it, were astonishing really as public displays of youth disaffection, seem now to have been dangerously non-existent).
These official responses have served to mute public reaction, but they do not dissolve it. Instead, it is stifled but continues to grow in its smothered state as new events add to the keg of discontent. And more and more things just keep adding to the keg: high migratory patterns (both immigration and emigration: the impact of emigration upon those left behind is never discussed but also has quite significant social and psychological consequences), taxation, financial instability, even things are small as a lap-dancing club opening in a small market town can really unsettle people.
And we seem to have seen a lot of this type of change, and reactions to it have been stifled.
It bothers me. And I know that the way things are going simply cannot continue. Too much change, and too much pressure. I think the keg is going to blow soon. I suspect the outcome will be some form of ideological paradigm shift, but I think it could get really nasty -- 'mob' nasty.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Smoke Mirrors And How A Handful Of Missed Mortgage Payments Started The Global Financial Crisis (from Sunday Herald)
LAST WEEK, something happened which I never expected to see in my lifetime. There was a general run on the entire British banking system, something that hasn't happened before, even in wartime. Ordinary people started moving their money around from bank to bank in fear that they might lose their cash. Millions of pounds were flowing across the Irish sea for the safe haven of the Irish government's recently-announced 100% depositor guarantee. The UK's banks were on the verge of losing public trust, and public trust is the one thing that banks need to survive.
We are witnessing what the commentator Martin Wolf of the Financial Times calls "the disintegration of the financial system". But how did we get here? How did a few dodgy sub-prime mortgages in American inner cities lead to what is beginning to look like the collapse of capitalism?
read on
We are witnessing what the commentator Martin Wolf of the Financial Times calls "the disintegration of the financial system". But how did we get here? How did a few dodgy sub-prime mortgages in American inner cities lead to what is beginning to look like the collapse of capitalism?
read on
Sunday, October 05, 2008
2012 SHIT logo
I just got round to watching the British part of the Olympic ending ceremony
in China.
What a load of codswallop.
Jimmy Page you old nutter, what were you thinking?
- the whole thing was an embarrassment
in China.
What a load of codswallop.
Jimmy Page you old nutter, what were you thinking?
- the whole thing was an embarrassment

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