Yah Yah Yah
Woo Ha
Woo Ha
Yah Yah yAH
Sniff me and pass out.
Stiff Stiff Stiff in the wind
I'm Stiff Stiff in the wind
I'm Raw , I'm Raw, can you feel my Raw?
Well actually, Mr Digby, I'm not quite sure what you're getting at.
Would you like another French Fancy?
Ah tash and darn and crimple it MaryBethJoAnn Juniper benchpress
turtle polish wood enamel fridge.
I wanna BEIGE you up.
Father Brown I'm in love with your toga,
yeah the one that you wear in the windmill.
Course she always said that I'd be the lucky one.
The old luck always shone on me.,
Like blessings from a duck
golden nuggets of luck plopping in my
garden pond, growing a tail, legs and arms
whoops there it goes just jumped off that lily leaf.
Catch the pidgeon Giles, there may be a message strapped to
its leg.
Now where was eye, thats right , pancake mixture,
just get some old popeye paste, you know kneed in some of
the old Olive Oyle, ooooo errrrr ooooooo eerrrrrrr
thats yr basic pancake batter sorted ,
then to add the mixture, scratch those bits of flakes
out of yr eyelashes, these are made out of mindreading
eyelash mite droppings. Completely harmless, but full of
protein and quite tasty when fried.
so the pasty paste is mixed up and oh sod it
I made it all up. I dunno how to make pancakes.
Give me a turnip and I'll carve a shit face into it.
That's as much as I can do.
What you have Pumpkins at Halloween?
We use turnips mate, yeah , you fuckin ponce,
little turnips are what you need.
Much spookier and all.